Traumatic brain injuries and transportation occupations

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Jasmine Davis
Danielle Henry


The human brain is a very powerful tool. It allows us to see, remember, understand, and learn. With new technologies being discovered every day, scientists
are able to discover how people acquire, process, and store information. New technologies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs) allow scientist
understand how the brain reacts to a particular stimulus or how brain structure can affect a person’s health and personality.

The brain and nervous system works hand-in-hand and coexist in order to function everyday life. The study of the function and structure of the nervous system is neuroanatomy. These nerves work together to receive and send messages from the central nervous system to the rest of the body. The messages travels almost instantly to any part of the body within seconds. Brain communication and function correlates to the ability to do work with information.

This includes cognitive thinking and behavior. The cognition aspect of the brain involves the intellect and learning ability of the brain. On the other hand, the behavior aspect of the brain involves the emotional ability of the brain. The cognitive and behavioral aspects are not just singled out to humans with normal, operable abilities. These aspects stretch as far as aging in dogs, people who suffer with depression and cannot cope with proper thinking, people who have suffered from traumatic brain injuries, and those who suffer with Post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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