Blockchain Database and IoT: A Technology driven Agri-Food Supply Chain

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Ikram Hasan
Md. Mamun Habib
Zulkifflee Mohamed


This article explores the potential of blockchain database and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to improve the trustworthiness of the agri-food supply chain. It provides an overview of the challenges facing the supply chain, including food safety, traceability, and sustainability, and how blockchain and IoT can address these challenges based on secondary data. This paper presents a case study of a blockchain-based platform that utilizes IoT sensors to provide end- to-end visibility and traceability of food products. The findings demonstrate the potential for this technology to improve food safety, reduce waste, and increase transparency in the agri-food supply chain. Overall, the study demonstrates the potentiality of blockchain and IoT in revolutionizing the agri-food industry and creating a more trustworthy, responsible and sustainable food system.

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