A Review of Supply Chain Design: Considerations for Product Design and Information Technology

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Erick Jones
Gloria Fragoso-Diaz
Travis Woodall


Competitiveness in the local and global economies demand from supply chains to take an integrated approach to all their businesses and relationships to other business. Supply chains have to use an integrative approach to their design which in consequence requires to look into the several factors affecting their integration. In this paper we discuss two factors; product design and information technology. We review some considerations as well as their impact these two factors have had in supply chains. A short discussion on supply chain evolution is included followed by elaborations on product design, product design phases, and product and supply chain design alternatives as well as optimization approaches. Lastly, we elaborate on the impact of information technology. From the review it is clear that simultaneous product design and supply chain design stand better chances towards competitiveness, however, should be supported with information technology. Lastly, we present conclusions and future research.

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